We like maps and being outside. This script was written to help display photos from our long-distance hikes. We hope you will find it useful.
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$3.00 flat rate (updated 12/21/2024)
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Why is total number of pages multiples of 4?
Most modern printing presses require total pages to be multiples of 4. You can remove or add blank pages with available online PDF-editors.
What is a chapter?
Each photo comes with 2 maps, a zoomed out map (~15mi radius) and a zoomed in map (~5 mile radius). For example, this has 5 chapters, and this has 3 chapters.
Why are zoomed-in maps always on even-numbered pages?
This is to mimize page flipping.
Why are my photos flipped?
Orientation tag is set to a value that is not 1.
What counts as a panoramic photo?
Apsect ratio > 2.5
What can I customize at the moment?
You can change the title text and subtitle text. You can also upload a GPX file and opt out of including descriptions (updated 1/12/2024).
How are the photos arranged?
Maximium two photos per page, ordered by datetime. Portrait photos placed side by side (aspect ratio < 1). Otherwise, photos are stacked on top of each other. No customization at this point (updated 12/21/2024).
What happens to my photos?
They are deleted after the job finishes, or whenever an error is encountered.
Can I disable / change the descriptions?
You can only disable the description at the moment.
Can I change the dimension of the pdf file to 10x10?
Not at the moment.
Some labels are overlapping other labels. Can I move the label?
Not at the moment, but you could use illustrator to fix them.
I uploaded a photo taken in a major city (e.g. New York City), why is it not showing me I am in that city?
This is designed for outdoor photos taken in state parks, national parks, and wilderness area. Description is based on the nearest park
Why is this pond, peak, city..etc not showing up on the map?
Data is from OpenStreet Maps - those features may not be present.
Why am I limited to 2 chapters?
Rendering the zoomed out map is computationally expensive
Why is my date set to 0000.00.00?
Photo you provided does not have a date tag (either you did not record it when you took the photo, or it was stripped/masked by your phone due to privacy settings)
Why does my photo in USA not say I am in USA?
You might be in the middle of the ocean. We try our best to include data from 2-3 miles out from coastline, but it is not perfect.
Why is my location wrong?
Your phone probably did not have time to find the exact location when you took the photo.